Sunday, May 08, 2005

On Being "Cool"

Here's something you don't expect to see when you walk into a college digital media lab. I don't know about you, but this is like something i would have done when I was like ten, to scare my little sister out of touching my stuff. As a result, seeing this display outside an advanced lab at a private college never ceases to amuse/amaze me.

This lovely, non-discriminating vendetta has been on a locker at Emerson College outside the Digital Production Lab for as long as I can remember, and I just never quite get over it. We at headsoff have no personal association with Mr. "Breakaway" Humphrey.


Anonymous said...

This short IS cool!Love it-in fact,this is the one statement you can use to encapsulate school's social drama,unfortunately often including college.

ryanne said...

just a "heads up!"
that your feed in feedburner needs to be RSS 2.0
right now it's not.
go into feedburner
make sure "SMart Cast"
is checked off in your options.


Mike Machenry said...

Thanks for the notice, Ryan - it's fixed now.