Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Birthday From Mike

My birthday was a little confusing this year. It happened in Australia before it happened here, because of the international date line. Australia doesn't have Thanksgiving, so in Austrailia I had a birthday to myself, but I spent it on the airplane, and in the US I had a birthday on Thanksgiving and nobody around me except Chad knew until the following day. I kinda just didnt really have a birthday this year.. but I still did, as people keep reminding me. How bizarre...

Click here for Quicktime movie (in a new window)

Runtime is about 30 seconds

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Mike Machenry said...

I love how the phone is flying by your plane window. If I had the ability, I'd have flown up to your plane window with a little sign that said happy birthday instead of calling.

Devin said...

I know those kind of voicemails. I know the ones that aren't so pleasant too.

Happy Birthday from Dooser.

Carl Weaver said...

A belated happy birthday to you, Serra. And welcome back to the States, where the water goes down the drain the proper way.

eshi said...

you had a birthday! you had more than one! hehe...actually idon't think it was technically ever your birthday while you were in australia...and when it would have been you were on a plane well across the international date line! :) strangeness :) happy birthday! :)